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Willow Weekly Newsletter 31.1.25

Crowmoor Teacher

This week, we have been writing our diary entries from the perspective of Dr Bryce, Mum or Dad (characters from our class text Pig Heart Boy). The children have shown great creativity in their writing and ability to draw ideas from our reading text.  


In Maths, we have finished unit on decimals. This week we have multiplied and divided decimals by integers. They have all worked extremely hard and we are seeing great progress in their maths.

The children have all been given a Spelling Shed login, we have logged on in school and they are really enjoying the activities set on there. Please can you encourage your child to be accessing this at home.

In Science, we have been learning about how light refracts through transparent materials and the colours it can project- rainbows! We explored Isaac Newton’s discovery by experimenting with triangular prisms and torches; to make rainbow rays and investigate which light refracts more than the others.

A reminder that parents evening will be on Monday and Tuesday next week, I look forward to meeting with you all then.


Well done to Isaac who received the certificate in celebration assembly this week.


Have a lovely weekend,  

Miss Bliss and Miss Davies

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