Ethos and Aims

Collaborative, Compassionate, Courageous
​​“As proud members of SHINE Academies, we live by our SHINE Values – Collaborative, Compassionate, Courageous. These values have become a thread which runs through every aspect of the life of our school and enables children and adults alike to evaluate their actions, contributions and achievements. They support us all as we undertake our work. allowing us to focus on positive outcomes for everyone in our community, not just today, but into the future - and for our pupils, this means into adulthood. Our aim is to demonstrate that, by ascribing to these values, we are not only supporting the development of our students’ full potential, but also our wider community as a whole, making Crowmoor Primary School a happy, healthy and caring place to be.”
​Our Vision
At Crowmoor we believe that we must focus on developing each child’s individual personality, talents and abilities to the full. As a school we should enable each and every child to have the ability and freedom to Dream, Believe and Achieve what is best for them.
Crowmoor will encourage each child’s respect for other’s rights, as well as a respect for their parents/carers and adults, their own and other cultures, and the environment.
Our school motto is "Team Crowmoor, Stronger Together"

SHINE Academies Trust Values
Our Golden Rules
Be ready
Be respectful
Be safe
We place great emphasis upon good behaviour both in and out of school. Children are encouraged to develop self-discipline, independence and mutual respect. We encourage positive behaviour by frequent praise and reward, but sanctions are available if this approach is not successful. We rely on parents/carers to support us with regard to enforcing our expectations and expect them to deliver their commitments in the home/school agreement.
A copy of the Behaviour Policy can be viewed at the Office or downloaded from our Policies Page

House System
Every child on arrival at Crowmoor is placed into one of four Houses: Haughmond, Grinsall, Wrekin and Cardoc. During the year the Houses will compete in various ways, from gaining reward points given as raffle tickets for positive work or behaviour and through intra-School Sports events.These points are totaled each week in the Friday Rewards Assembly and the winning house receives a cinema experience, with the mandatory popcorn and juice at the end of each term. Every pupil that gains a raffle ticket is entered into a weekly draw.