Ethos and Aims
School Ethos
Our School is committed to the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
We promise:
To accept and support all children regardless of their race, gender, beliefs and abilities.
To encourage and support, in contributing positively to both the school and the wider community.
To actively develop a school environment where all school members can feel safe and secure
To help pupils care for and empathise with other people.
To encourage pupils to treat others as they would like to be treated.
To aid the development of all children, intellectually and socially into mature independent citizens.
The ethos is re-examined by the pupils and staff each Autumn term.
​Our Aims and Philosophy
The following aims are linked to the Children’s Act 2005 which incorporates the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
To create a happy, calm, secure and stimulating environment within which pupils are encouraged to develop and reach their full potential.
To provide an enriching, balanced curriculum which offers children enlivening learning experiences both in and out of school.
To foster the development of responsible, well-balanced and tolerant individuals.
To equip pupils with the attitudes, understanding and skills for their roles in a rapidly developing world where they will work, participate and thrive.
To encourage lively, creative and enquiring minds, which are independent and self-disciplined.
To encourage children to enjoy learning and to come to see it as a life-long proces
To encourage children to strive for high standards in all aspects of school and personal life.
To develop a positive and close relationship between home and school, through involving parent/carers in the children’s school life in a range of ways.
To make the school an important part of community life and the community an important part of the life of the school.
To foster a close relationship with the local churches and to reflect a wider understanding and tolerance of other faiths and cultures.
SHINE Academies Trust Values
Our Golden Rules
Be ready
Be respectful
Be safe
We place great emphasis upon good behaviour both in and out of school. Children are encouraged to develop self-discipline, independence and mutual respect. We encourage positive behaviour by frequent praise and reward, but sanctions are available if this approach is not successful. We rely on parents/carers to support us with regard to enforcing our expectations and expect them to deliver their commitments in the home/school agreement.
A copy of the Behaviour Policy can be viewed at the Office or downloaded from our Policies Page
House System
Every child on arrival at Crowmoor is placed into one of four Houses: Haughmond, Grinsall, Wrekin and Cardoc. During the year the Houses will compete in various ways, from gaining reward points given as raffle tickets for positive work or behaviour and through intra-School Sports events.These points are totaled each week in the Friday Rewards Assembly and the winning house receives a cinema experience, with the mandatory popcorn and juice at the end of each term. Every pupil that gains a raffle ticket is entered into a weekly draw.