School Day
8.45am – The school gates are opened onto the playground.
N.B. Children should not be left unattended on the school premises before this time as we cannot accept responsibility for them.
8.50am – Children should line up in their classes and are collected by a member of staff.
Cloakroom doors are then locked for pupil security.
Late admittance is then via the main entrance where your child will need to be signed in by an adult for safety reasons.
9.00am – Registration and the start of the school day.
10.30am – 10.45am – Morning break. Fruit is provided daily for the Foundation Stage and KS1 pupils.
Pupils may bring in their own fruit and water in suitable container
11.40am – 1pm – Lunch for Beech Class
11.50 – 1pm – Lunch for Chestnut Class
11.55 – 1pm – Lunch for Elm Class
12pm – 1pm – Lunch for KS2
3.15pm – End of the school day for school aged pupils