The children have had a wonderful time during the Wild Tribe sessions this week- with lots of smiles!

This week, continued our book ‘Pig Heart Boy’. The children have been learning about the features of a diary entry and were able to write a diary entry from the view point of Cameron (the boy in Pig Heart Boy). I have been so pleased with the pride children are taking in their writing and the improvement in handwriting this week- well done Willow!
In Maths, we have begun our unit on decimals. This week we have rounded decimals, added and subtracted decimals and multiplied decimals by 10,100 and 1000.
In R.E, we have been learning about Creation and science, debating whether we believe they are conflicting or complementary to one another. This week, we looked at finding any similarities between the creation stories Genesis and Big Bang theory. We were able to reflect on whether it is possible that Christians can believe in both stories and show our understanding by interpreting the evidence.

Well done to Taylor who received the certificate in celebration assembly this week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Bliss and Miss Davies