We have had a fab week this week reading the traditional tale 'The Magic Porridge Pot' - we read a slightly shortened alternative version with a wizard instead of an old lady as some might know it. It led to some super ideas in Drawing Club for what he might buy from the wizard shop and I am really pleased that they were all so keen to come and share their ideas.
In Phonics this week we have learned the sounds 'i', 'n', 'm', and 'd' and have been working hard on oral blending. We have also started to read by putting the sound cards together to make simple words, sounding out each sound before blending to read the whole word e.g. s-i-t......sit, m-a-n.......man. It is a tricky skill for them to learn and only improves with practice but once they are secure at blending, you will find they are reading in no time!
In Maths we have been comparing objects, using the words 'more' and 'fewer' to compare amounts. Next week we will be moving on to comparing size, weight and capacity.
It was lovely looking at all the baby photos that have been sent in thank you. Next week our focus is families so if you haven't had chance to send a family photo in please send one in over the weekend if you can. Thank you.
This week we also talked about ways to keep fit and healthy, which involved the launch of our Brilliant Brushers programme - the children will have brought home complimentary water bottles earlier in the week. These are for you to keep at home and do not need to be returned to school.
Finally, this week we were very excited to discover that we won the attendance cup for the THIRD week in a row for having the best attendance in the whole school and will be enjoying our extra play time on Monday. Well done everyone.

Reading books have been changed today if they have been read and recorded in the yellow reading record. Although the books they are bringing home just now are wordless, they will be bringing simple word books home soon, so it is good to get into good reading habits from the start. Your support with this is very much appreciated. If you have any queries about how your child will learn to read or how you can help at home please let me know. Thank you.
Miss Jones and Mrs Kenny