Today, the children have been working on their editing skills in our writing session. This week they have planned and wrote a speech on why they should be the next Roman Emperor and then this morning they worked on reading their work back and trying to improve it by checking their punctuation, spelling and making sure that they had included all the features needed in this text.
Our certificate winner this week is Jamie. He took on feedback given to improve his writing and wasn't afraid of asking for help when he needed it. Well done!
In Maths, the children have been looking at mixed numbers and improper fractions. They have been converting mixed numbers to improper fractions, converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and using a number line to show equivalent fractions.
This half term in our RE lessons, the children have been learning about Islam and how festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim. Yesterday, we had a visit from an Imam from a Mosque in Telford. He was very impressed by how much they knew about Islam and the children asked some very good questions.

There are quite a few children coming into school with no reading book or reading record. Please make sure these are in school daily and when your child has read at home it is recorded in their reading record. Thank you.
Please remember to read, read, read.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Fairclough and Mrs Brunyard