The children have been busy getting ready to make their Roman outfits in our Design and Technology this week.

In our writing sessions, the children have been looking at a persuasive text. We started looking at the example text 'Do you want to be a pirate?' and finding features then looked more closely at using modal verbs and rhetorical questions. As a class, we started to write a persuasive text 'Do you want to be a goalie?' and today the children finished writing independently and some even planned and wrote their own. In maths, we have started our unit on fractions.
Our certificate winner this week is Max. He has been getting more involved with his learning and trying hard with all his work, especially in Maths. Well done, Max!
The children have taken home parents evening forms today. Parents evening for Sycamore Class will be on Monday and Thursday.
We hope you have a great weekend.
Mrs Fairclough and Mrs Brunyard