Good afternoon,
We have had an exceptionally productive week in Hazel Class. In maths we have really been testing our understanding of place value and have been using this to help us multiply and divide large numbers. In English we have finished writing our instructional texts, the children have started using some interesting fronted adverbials to add to their sentences with imperative verbs in.
Sticking with the instructions theme, in history we explored the process of mummification. The children seemed quite intrigued by the amount of work that went on and how long the process took. In science we continued exploring forces and in particular magnets and their strength.

This week our certificate winner is someone who consistently tries hard across all subjects, he has also made great progress in his reading - congratulations Henry.
Please keep up the daily reading, the children all have new reading records to record their reading in.
Hope you all have a great weekend,
Mr Reynolds