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Elm this week 27.9.24

Crowmoor Teacher

Another busy week with lots of fun activities. We have planned and written letters from the trenches, based on our class text and history topic. We have estimated and placed numbers on number lines up to 100, compared objects and numbers and completed maths challenges.

In PSHE we were thinking about loneliness and what it means to us. The children were amazing at recognising how loneliness can feel and what they can do to help each other and themselves.

We have been creating pictures in the style of Van Gogh. The children used oil pastels to build up their pictures using lines.

In Geography we have been exploring journeys using Google Earth. The children had fun searching famous buildings and land marks. We found places in Shrewsbury that interest us and then the children suggested places around the world.

Have a great weekend and remember to read, read, read!

Miss Roberts, Mrs Savory and Miss Harris

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