This week in Elm Class we have completed our place value unit of maths and we are beginning addition and subtraction. We have been using rekenreks to show number bonds to 10 and 20.

In English we have written a day diary as if we are Flo the main character. We used the first person and past tense to write our entries and the children wrote some amazing sentences, using their knowledge of the book and WWI. We have been working hard to improve our letter formation and to be consistent with our spacing. The children are enjoying these sessions and the exercises that accompany them!
In PE we have been catching and throwing underarm and over arm. We have also been throwing to a target and partner. We are also sequencing movements to make a cityscape dance.
Please can you collect any empty boxes for next week as we are building our own structures.
Have a good weekend and remember - read,read,read!
Miss Roberts, MrsSavory and Miss Harris