The children enjoyed exploring non-fiction books about dinosaurs. We planned our own information text and wrote about a stegosaurus. Some children now have the confidence to have a go at writing on their own which is great!

We have started to write number sentences using the symbols for plus + and equals =. The children are becoming more fluent in recalling all the bonds within 10 and to 10. Ask them about fact families!
In history, the children enjoyed retelling the events of The Gunpowder Plot whilst using their scissor skills to create a display outside the classroom. For geography, they used collage techniques and wrote labels to represent housing types in the local area.

I hope to see you at the Phonics sessions for parents and carers on Tuesday at 9am or Wednesday at 2pm. Please just pop along to find out how your child is learning to read and how you can support them.
Mrs Dowell and Mrs Armstrong.