Wow! Where did that half term go??! And what a fantastic end to it we had today! Everyone looked amazing in their costumes and we had so much fun at the disco - thank you to the Friends of Crowmoor for decorating the hall and providing refreshments for the children. They loved it! Mr Horton even popped in for a while and taught them the Cha Cha Slide! Keep an eye out on Tapestry over the weekend for the photo evidence. ;)

This week we have read the story Little Red Riding Hood and as well as doing lots of lovely story retelling and artwork, we also talked a lot about keeping safe, listening to adults and the importance of following the rules. We discussed stranger danger and addressed the misconception that a stranger is a "bad man", which many of the children had. We talked about what to do if we were ever lost, who safe people are and what safe buildings are. They also picked up very quickly the mantra - Yell. Run. Tell for dealing with a situation where they are approached by someone they don't know.
In Maths this week they have learnt about one more and one less as well as the composition of numbers to 3. They did find recalling one less a little tricky so it would be good to keep practicing this over the half term to help remember it is just the number before or that we are taking one away.
Phonics this week has just been recapping all the sounds we have learned so far this term. Some of the children are finding it difficult to recall earlier sounds such as 'i' and 't' and do find 'b' and 'd' a little tricky so additional practice with their sound cards over half term would be hugely beneficial to help secure that knowledge before we move onto new sounds after half term.
PE will continue to be on a Friday after half term. Please ensure your child wears PE to school that day. Thank you.
We hope you have a lovely half term week, please feel free to share what the children are up to over the week on Tapestry if you would like, it's always great for them to be able to share with their friends when they are back in school.
Enjoy Halloween if you are out trick or treating and we will see you a week on Monday.
Miss Jones and Mrs Kenny