This week our book of the week was 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers, where a penguin turns up on a boy's doorstep and as he looks sad, the boy assumes he is lost and takes him home, only to find he is actually lonely. Over the week they have drawn and written about the boy, the boat, and designed a new way to cross the sea. Independently they have created 'Lost Penguin' posters and written lists of what they would pack to go on a trip to take the penguin home.
The children have loved learning about penguins, finding out where in the world they live and starting to learn about the different types from our National Geographic book. They were particularly surprised that it is the male emperor penguins who look after the chicks whilst in their egg whilst the mother goes off to feed in the sea. Throughout the week they have also made boats from their own choice of resources before testing them in the water tray, to see if they will float, amending and improving them if they did not.
In Maths we have introduced 6,7 and 8, working on recognising the numeral, and some common representations such as fingers, dice and ten frames. Rather than counting every time, the children are learning to recognise dice formations and also know that a full top row of a ten frame is 5 so a full row and 1 is 6 e.g.

Next week we will continue to work on recognising different representations and explore the composition of each number.
In phonics this week we have started Phase 3 and learnt the sounds 'ai' (tail, rain), 'ee' (sheep, jeep), 'igh' (light, night) and 'oa' (soap, goat). These sounds have been added to their sound bags and an information sheet has also been sent home. It is really important the children are heard read as much as possible to ensure they become confident blenders and begin to recognise words they see frequently such as it, in, is, and, can etc as well as the tricky words they have learnt so far. Don't forget to record in their yellow reading records each time you hear them read their phonics books or their sound cards and tricky words so they can earn a prize from the lucky dip box. Thank you.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Jones, Mrs Kenny and Miss Mosdell