Good afternoon,
We have had a second successful full week in Hazel. The children are getting use to the routines of Year 3 and are showing a great positive attitude.
In English we are building our descriptive vocabulary and have been describing characters and settings. Some of the sentences that have been created are amazing - 'A magical little cottage in the middle of the living forest'. In maths we are currently looking at Place Value up to 1000 and how we can partition these numbers.
Reading underpins everything that we do and we are currently reading D-Day by Tom Palmer, exploring aspects of World War 2. Please make sure your children are reading daily at home and record it in their reading records.

For the past two weeks we have been third in the attendance competition across the school, please keep encouraging your children to get to school on time and hopefully we can get first place.
Today all the children brought home an overview of the Autumn term, please note our PE days are Monday and Friday - our uniform has been brilliant so far please keep encouraging the children to keep this up.
One child that has done very well this week and has received our Reward Certificate is Daisy - congratulations.
If you have any questions or would like to let me know anything in particular please email
Hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Mr Reynolds