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Beech Class Weekly News 31.01.25

Crowmoor Teacher

So it is the end of week 4 and the end of the first month of 2025 already! Time is certainly flying by and next week will be our second parents evening of the academic year.

Our story this week was 'Poles Apart' by Jeanne Willis where some penguins get lost on a day out and end up at the North Pole meeting Mr White (a polar bear) who then helps them travel across land and sea through a number of countries to find their way back home to the South Pole.

The children really enjoyed listening to the story and joining in with it once they got to know it. They've loved making polar bear masks and igloos, exploring non-fiction books we have borrowed from the library and creating their own maps after we tracked the penguins trip using a world map.

In phonics this week they have learned the next four sounds 'oo' (moon), '00' (book), ar (car) and or (born) as well as the new tricky words 'was', 'you' and 'they'. These have been added to their sound bags if they had them in school today.

In Maths they have learnt about pairs and doubles, finding and making doubles using a range of objects and identifying odd and even numbers.

If you've not had a slip back with your appointment time or are unsure what time you have please email me on the class email and I will confirm.

I look forward to seeing you all then.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Jones, Mrs Kenny & Miss Mosdell

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