What a great week we have had reading the story of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears', retelling the story with masks and puppets, creating our own houses and forests, finding story stones in the porridge and sequencing pictures from the story. We've learned wonderful words such as 'guzzle', slumber', 'demolished', 'cramped' and 'uneven' with matching actions and at the end of the week collaborated to make a new chair for baby bear with a range of resources.

In Phonics the children have learned the sounds 'g', 'o', 'c', 'k' and the tricky word 'is' (tricky because the 's' is making the sound 'z'). Their oral blending is improving every day and they are working hard to remember all the sounds we have learnt so far. If you would like to find out more about how we teach reading at Crowmoor using Little Wandle please click here: For parents | Letters and Sounds (littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk) With regard to writing letters, we are following the Kinetic Letters handwriting programme, which allows children to learn letter formation through movement, whilst working on their fine motor and core strength. I am sure you will hear them talking about 'brave monkey' and 'scared monkey' and they might be saying 'down bump' when making long straight upright lines. More information about the programme and how you can support your child will be shared soon.
Books have been changed today. Please try and share a book with your child as often as you can so that they develop good reading habits and don't forget to record in the yellow reading record each time you share a book. Thank you!
In Maths this week we have been learning to compare size, mass and capacity, using big/bigger/biggest, small/smaller/smallest as well as long/short for length and tall/short for height. They have explored heavy and light with balance scales and full/empty through water play.
We have also been talking about families this week - thank you to everyone who sent a picture of theirs in to share, it's been lovely for the children to have the photos up to be able to talk about their pictures and we've had some fabulous drawings of them too.
Just a reminder that PE is only on a Friday (the children have lots of other gross motor opportunities through the continous provision of our outdoor area). Children should come to school wearing their PE kits that day and all other days they should be in school uniform with suitable school shoes. Thank you.
Miss Jones and Mrs Kenny