The weeks are flying by, and the school is looking ready for Christmas! Thank you for all of your generous donations for the Christmas Fayre.
In reading, we have been discussing the characters plan to help their friend ‘Ahmet’, the children were able to summaries the plan details and explain the positive and negative points. They could also discuss how they would help Ahmet, get his parents back to the UK. In writing, we have been continuing writing Newspapers. This week, the children wrote their own newspapers about the school firework display.
This week, we have completed our Fractions unit, well done to all of the children for their hard work during this unit. Please remember to encourage your child to continue to develop these skills by accessing the work set on Matheletics, at home.
In P.E, we have been learning how to volt, as part of our gymnastics. The children showed great determination to develop this skill and understanding of how to safely use the equipment.

This week, Willow have been awarded 1st place in attendace- Well done Willow Class, keep it up!
Well done to Lila who received the certificate in celebration assembly this week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Bliss and Miss Davies